Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rule #2

Wait tables at least once in your life.

You will be humbled. No where else will you see such a great range of personalities, emotions, and challenges than when taking care of hungry people. Learn to communicate, learn to be patient, and learn to deal with angry people. Learn about your coworkers, from the pre-med college student working to jobs to get to med school to the cook, someone who deserves the most respect and yet is the least likely to receive. 

Rule 1.

Rule #1: Never give up.

A man is never measured by the adversity he faces, but rather by how he faces it. From seeing the horrors of what we can do to each other to the despair being homeless, I can only say if I gave up, I will never have gotten my chance to make my little corner of the world better. I hope that you will always keep moving, keep dreaming, keep living.